Sunday 24 January 2016

Jan. 18-24/16: Nelson (to Mapua, Evolve Festival)

The weeks are flying by all too quickly. Found another gardening "job" this week, this time at Hospice  Nelson.  Given I am here for a relatively short time, this sort of thing may make the most sense. But I won't stop looking for other possibilities.

This week had two highlights. The first was a trip to Mapua, to spend a night with my airbnb host Marianne, who has been just wonderful. I made the trip with my new-to-me bike. It's about 30 km. to Mapua, almost all if it on cyclepaths, and flat. Doesn't get much better than that. And much of it is by the coast, with views of the water and hills (which in Nova Scotia would be called mountains). Mapua, I think I mentioned earlier, is a wee seaside holiday  town  close  enough to Nelson  to commute. The tides there are not as high as in the Bay of Fundy, but they are impressive  just the same.

The route to Mapua takes you through Rabbit Island (see the beach below, which is seemingly endless) and then onto a ferry for the very short ride to Mapua. I returned to Nelson the next day. The weather was perfect. Here are a few pictures.

The path to Mapua, looking  back 
towards Nelson
Beach on Rabbit Island enroute to 
Mapua. Not too crowded!!!

Above and below, Mapua harbour

The second highlight was a festival of health  and well-being  on the weekend held at Founder's Park, which is just a 5 minute walk from my accommodation. It was very well done. Lots of exhibitors presenting a range of products and services related to well-being and alternative healthcare, workshops, presentations  and of course food and music. I was not at Woodstock  in 1969, but I had the sense that some of the people at this festival would have been quite at home there. It was really delightful. No alcohol at all that I could see.

This was the main stage area where 
the musicians performed

The intro act. Called the Twisty 
Twins. They were that, and fearless too.
Can you see the young kids? They
were totally captivated.

Sunday 17 January 2016

Jan. 10-17/16: Nelson, life begins

My second week has come and gone and I'm already starting to develop routines. Doesn't take long! I'm gardening now two  mornings a week, once at  a formal garden (Queen's Gardens), and once at  a community vegetable  garden (Waimarama). My trusty bicycle gets  me to both places  easily. Although  there  are lots  of hills, for the most part where I need to go  is flat. Using a bike as a mode of transportation  feels  good, and mostly  I've remembered  to keep left. Mostly.

I've also found a yoga studio that  is a 10 minute cycle along the path beside the Tasman Bay. About as good as it gets.

There are many hiking opportunities  both in town and nearby. Today I walked up to the spot marking the Centre of New Zealand. Really, it's right here in Nelson.  The path starts about  a 5 minute walk from my front door  and takes about 45  minutes one  way. Astounding views.

Here's a few pictures from my week.

"My" house is just across the street
from the park  above, so this is my view. Glorious!
Below, view from a street not far away.

On a hike not far out of town.
Look what was on the path!!

In the Japanese  Gardens,  literally  
across the street
Sunday afternoon jazz in Founders
Park, a 5 minute walk  away

Path leading to the Centre of
New Zealand, and the very spot, below

View of Nelson   (that's most if it!)
from the Centre of New Zealand

Saturday 9 January 2016

Jan. 1-9/16: Nelson, some images

I have been in Nelson just  over  a week now and am loving it. It's just the right size for me (just under 50,000) and my accommodation could not be more ideal. I love being on the edge of town, and what an edge!! A jogging/cycling path almost at my front  door, lovely Japanese Gardens across the street - not to mention the Tasman Bay - and a delightful 30 minute walk to the town  centre.

I've spent the week reacquainting  myself with the area, and looking for  volunteer  opportunities and yoga classes. I will start gardening at two different places  this week  and am working on a few other possibilities  as well. And thanks to friends back home who put me in touch with relatives here, I've been taken to the annual jazz festival and to one of the neighbouring  holiday spots.

Once again, I think the best way to describe my life here so far is with a few pictures.

What I see on my morning jog

On the way into town, homes
on one side, these hills on the other.
Truly on the edge of town

Crossing the Maitai River on 
the way into town

In the Queen's Gardens, which I
 pass  on the way into town; 
hope to help  garden there

Here's what the main street in 
downtown  Nelson looks like
(Macpac is like our MEC)

Had to include one picture of 
a delightful old-style bungalow

Taken at Mapua, a holiday  
community about 30 km. away

At the weekly Saturday market

Tahunanui Beach, on the other side of town

My new-to-me mode of transportation;
there are cycle paths everywhere!!

Friday 1 January 2016

Jan. 1/16: To Nelson

I am now in Nelson. What a glorious  day it has been. High 20s. Some might say too hot! I made the trip by bus (Intercity), which works perfectly from my perspective as I can sit back and see the sites while someone  else does the driving. The bus drivers are generally excellent, and often provide  useful commentary along the way. The scenery was spectacular. It was not possible to take pictures on the bus so just imagine glorious turquoise  ocean on one side, and wonderfully rugged, but treeless mountains on the other.

We stopped first in Kaikoura (our Maori guide told us it meant “to eat crayfish”), a popular destination for those interested in whale watching. I spent some time there last  year.

Downtown Kaikoura, 
with mountains in the background

The scenery changed  as we were approaching Blenheim, the centre of the Marlborough wine region, and the spot where I changed buses. The  route then took us inland, first with views of  vineyards that go on forever, and after that up and down windy roads  through  mountains that were covered in trees.

i SITE in Blenheim, where we changed buses
This is the iconic symbol for the NZ tourist offices
NZ does tourism so well!

So here I am in “my” home for the next 3 months in Nelson. It’s a wonderful older home literally on the edge of town with a spectacular  view of the Bay of Tasman, and a path just in front of the house which is perfect for biking or jogging or walking. To walk to the centre of Nelson takes about half an hour.

View through my window  to the Bay of Tasman
(Above in the afternoon, below  in the evening)