Friday 18 December 2015

Dec. 17/15: First day in Dunedin

I’m back! It’s so strange, feels in some ways as if I had never left. The trip was long but easy, thanks to my friend  Wendi getting me to the airport  the evening before, in driving conditions that would have kept me home. A night in the Alt  hotel made for a relaxing start to the trip. Four flights , first to Montreal, then 5 hours to Vancouver, 13 to Auckland and finally about 2  to Dunedin. Two Air Canada flights and two Air New Zealand flights. Air Canada would do well to model itself on Air New Zealand. On Air Canada you get a complimentary beverage, nothing else, even on a longer flight. Air New Zealand treats its passengers far better. And Air New Zealand has done a marvellous job with its safety presentations. They’re creative, amusing and they’ve hired personalities to appear in them. In this case surfers! Air Canada’s equivalent would put  anyone to sleep, if they paid any attention.

Even on the flight over I was hearing some of those wonderful New Zealand expressions: Kia Ora (welcome in Maori), mate, no worries.

Now I am settled into my Airbnb in Dunedin, and have a huge bedroom with adjoining kitchen and sitting area,  and a private bathroom. It’s just a block or so from the Town Belt, a green belt running through the city, and about 15 minutes walk from the city centre, the Octagon. Couldn’t be more ideally located.

My room

Outside of the house where I'm staying

Dunedin’s  small as cities go, about 125,000 and called the Scotland of NZ. It’s delightful and possibly  the hilliest city I have ever visited.

Dunedin  home on very steep hill

Highs here have been cooler than usual, about 15, but that’s not stopping the flowers. The rhodos and lupins (yes they are here too) are ending, and the agapanthus just beginning. I’ve also seen foxglove and clematis. I will miss the Pohutukawa, the NZ christmas tree (because of its red blossoms), as it is primarily a north island tree.

I haven’t yet felt the effects of jet lag, although I am starting to fade. I spent the day renewing my acquaintance with the town, having a NZ sim card put in my phone, and of course lunching at one of NZs fantastic cafes. It’s now 8 pm, and still light.

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